Fantasy Dress
The more I got into design, the more I got into fashion, but not your typical outfits. Cosplay and costume making are wide fields that utilize a diverse amount of different types of materials, styles, skills, and imagination. Inspiration can come from anything and with is a challenge any fashion design takes on a full 360 physical form that should be successful from any angle or distance. Often to achieve this, the internal structure must be designed and thought out as much as the external.
The more I got into design, the more I got into fashion, but not your typical outfits. Cosplay and costume making are wide fields that utilize a diverse amount of different types of materials, styles, skills, and imagination. Inspiration can come from anything and with is a challenge any fashion design takes on a full 360 physical form that should be successful from any angle or distance. Often to achieve this, the internal structure must be designed and thought out as much as the external.
Below is my dress inspired by the World of Warcraft character/ creature Brightwing, designed and created as an original outfit to be worn at a costume Met Gala runway community event. The winged skirt is made up of 10 different resin casted wings whose shape and color resemble the character's. The top is made of multiple layers of scales in different colors to create a gradient matching the colors seen in the wings.
Design was finalist in Blizzcon 2021's international competition
Design was finalist in Blizzcon 2021's international competition