Mia. The face and life of Miacademey
At the time of joining the Miacademy team the Mia mascot was little more than a footnote graphic introducing a lesson before quickly forgotten. One of my main projects was not only breathing new life into Mia but campaigning for her to be utilized more in lessons as a companion who went through the lessons alongside the kids.
Since then Mia has grown into John, George, Sally, and many others.
A new assets library had to be created and organized after the list of available Mias became too large and unruly for the common shared assets folder. The new library, which I named MiaStock, was tested and eventually fully integrated into the workflow of the content creators, teachers, editors, and production teams.
At the time of joining the Miacademy team the Mia mascot was little more than a footnote graphic introducing a lesson before quickly forgotten. One of my main projects was not only breathing new life into Mia but campaigning for her to be utilized more in lessons as a companion who went through the lessons alongside the kids.
Since then Mia has grown into John, George, Sally, and many others.
A new assets library had to be created and organized after the list of available Mias became too large and unruly for the common shared assets folder. The new library, which I named MiaStock, was tested and eventually fully integrated into the workflow of the content creators, teachers, editors, and production teams.

[Before - After]